Time with Hermès

1 – 30 April 2024

Ginza Maison Hermès is currently exhibiting objets (products) that have stories to tell from across the spectrum of time. Listen closely, and you might hear the objets speak. Displayed in various locations throughout the store, these objets will take you back in time with their tales of how they met their owners and spent time with them.


Daiske Nomura's Scarf

Good times and bad in the studio breathe life into works of art

Tsuyoshi Noguchi's Glove & Bat

The enduring dreams of a young baseballer, clasped inside a genuine leather glove

Tomoaki Sukezane's Dressage

A preference for quality time over a moment of spontaneity

K. I.'s Plume

A fateful meeting with an objet that produced countless memories of adventures

Keiko Takemiya’s Saddle

Preserved fragments of dream-like moments from the past

Shinsuke Kawahara’s Tray

To a boy who never changes, in a city that has changed greatly in 30 years

Azuma Makoto’s
Scissor Case

Watching you work all around the world, controlling time like a magician

Mariko Asabuki’s Kelly

The irreplaceable time spent with three generations of women

Go Akimoto’s Bracelet

Memories of the youth we spent together—and of your father

Takako Shirasawa’s Coat

The shared moments that help you understand how precious the passage of time is

S.K.’s Shoes

In search of the disappearing artisanal romanticism

Y.K.’s Gloves

The history of the maison, passed on from objet to owner

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