Music at Hermès

1 – 29 February 2024

In February, a special jukebox comes to Ginza Maison Hermès, transforming the space and filling it with sound. We spoke to Thierry Planelle, the creator of a unique soundtrack for this occasion and curator of music at Hermès men’s universe fashion shows.

―Secret of show sound

Music adds colour and complements the story unfolding on stage. On the runway, in particular, it stirs emotions and brings a rhythmic energy to the show. As it has to be current, we carefully select pieces from up-and-coming artists for the shows. Along with our men’s universe artistic director, Véronique Nichanian, we choose a lot of the indie and electro music with a rock feel that we like.

―The art of perfect sound-making

There’s no end to fine-tuning the details, and I often lock myself in the studio until the last minute the day before the show, meticulously perfecting the final mix. It’s just like a fitting process. The first step in compiling a soundtrack is allocating a significant amount of time for extensive research to find the right music. The final step is to decide on the four songs that will form the mix for the soundtrack and bring the show together. It’s only when the show ends and I hear the applause from the audience that I feel the sound is finally complete.

―Music with a French touch

I don’t like playlists that sound like they were generated by an algorithm, and Hermès soundtracks are made in a completely different way. I think this reflects the brand’s ethos of catering to specific requests. For the music program designed for Ginza Maison Hermès, we’ve put together six libraries of different ambient music, and each library helps set a distinct atmosphere. The music you hear at Ginza Maison Hermès is different from that in New York or Shanghai, although we hope you can still sense our ‘French touch’.

―The Ginza soundtrack

I’m really excited about this project. We’re currently creating a new music program for Ginza Maison Hermès, with sound design unlike anything you’ve heard and with some surprise jukebox mixing! I hope everyone will enjoy the cheerful, chic music.

©️ Marcel Hartmann

Thierry Planelle

Sound designer, music curator. Hermès men’s universe fashion show sound designer, producer of the Hermès Silk Mix record collection and numerous Hermès events.

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