Terms of Use

1. Editor of the website

The website http://noel.hermes.com/ is edited by HERMÈS INTERNATIONAL, a “Société en commandite par actions”, with a share capital of 53 840 400,12 euros, registered with the commercial and companies registry of Paris under the number no. 572 076 396, whose registered office is at 24, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré – 75008, Paris.

SIRET: 572 076 396 00017
Intra-community VAT no: FR 52 572 076 396
Tel: +33 (0)1 40 17 49 20

2. Direction of publication

Head of publication: Axel Dumas and Emile Hermès Sarl

3. Hosting of the site

This website is hosted by HERMÈS JAPON CO.,LTD (the “Hermes Japon”), company registered office: 5-4-1 Ginza Chuo-ku, Tokyo Japan 104-0061, tel: +81 (3) 3569-3300.

Terms of Use

All copyrights in the text, images, music, video and other information (the “Content”) featured on “La lanterne d’Hermès à Ginza”” (the “Website”) are the exclusive property of Hermes Japon and its related company (the “Hermes Group”).

Those who use the Website (the “Users") shall use the Website upon agreeing to this Terms of Use. Users shall not engage in any of the following acts when using the Website

・Use for profit or for advertising purposes
・Use that would damage the image of the Hermes Group
・Use that would be contrary to public order and morals
・Other use that may be deemed inappropriate by Hermès Group
If any of the above actions are taken, use of the Website will be immediately suspended.

Users agree to the following terms when using the Digital Messenger:
・Be entirely responsible for the contents of the messages (Hermes Group does not take any responsibility for the information entered),
・agree not to send messages or information regardless of form or nature which: go against public order and morality, are insulting, libelous, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, pornographic or pedophilic, incite discrimination, hatred of any kind against any third party, or suicide, threaten an individual or a group of people, incite offences, crimes and acts of terrorism or those who support them, any other inappropriate items similar to the above,
・agree to respect the rights of others, and more specifically authors' rights and related rights individual and property rights,
・agree to respect the image and reputation of Hermes Group and its brands, and not to engage in statements undermining HERMÈS INTERNATIONAL and/or all companies directly or indirectly controlled by Hermes Group and
・verify the accuracy of the addressee to send a Digital Messenger.

Hermes Group cannot warrant and represent that the Website is exempt of any virus, data crushing programs, Trojans or other destruction materials. The website may contain technical imprecision or other defects: Hermes Group does not warrant the correction of these defects. The website and the contents of such website are presented in their "state and condition" and "on an availability basis". Hermes Group expressly excludes any warranty of any nature, whether express or implicit, and in particular, without this list being limitative, any implicit warranty of conformity, in terms of contents, quality, usual or specific use.

Recommended system requirements
Smartphone / Tablet
Operating System:
iOS16 or higher, Android 10.0 or higher
iOS: Latest version of Safari or Chrome
Android: latest version of Chrome

The Websitewill be available until January31, 2025 .
It is also possible that it will be extended or terminated due to unforeseeable circumstances. Thank you for your understanding.

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Japanese law. These Terms of Use are drafted in Japanese. In the event of a discrepancy between the General Terms of Use in English and the Terms of Use in Japanese, the latter shall prevail. If there are any disputes arising out of or in relation to these Terms of Use, Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court shall have the exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance in accordance with the rules of subject-matter jurisdiction.
HERMÈS INTERNATIONAL reserves the right to seek and obtain injunctions or orders to protect its rights hereunder.

Security & Cookies

The processing of your personal information is governed by our website's Personal Information Protection Guidelines and our Privacy Policy .

  1. Personal Information
    Your personal information will be processed solely for the purposes of performing the Digital Messenger service offered on the Website, and the Hermès Group (hereinafter called "Hermès") will not use your personal information for any other purpose.
  2. Security
    Although Hermès takes security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, please note that data transmission over the Internet is not 100% secure and information disclosed online may potentially be collected and used by parties other than the intended recipient.

